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Nail Problems

Nail Problems

Fungal Nail Infections and Brittle Nails These are conditions in which a white, cheese-like material appears under the nail and the nail itself may crumble. Conventional treatment requires you to use anti-fungal preparations. If you want to try natural approaches, you...

Keeping Your Nails In Good Condition

You will keep your nails in top shape by following these few simple procedures –  If your nails break often, keep them fairly short.Never use your nails to open tins and other containers with.Do not cut nails with scissors as this tends to weaken them. Use...

Ingrown Nails

A condition whereby the nail grows into the skin of the toe instead of over it. What to look for pain, swelling, and redness around a toenail, usually the big toe. Ingrown nails usually affect the toenails and can be very painful. People who have curved or thick nails...

About Your Nails

The nails are produced by living skin cells however the nail itself is dead. The part of the nail you can see is called the nail body and the shape of it is a result of hereditary factors. The bottom of the nail is called the ‘root’ of the nail and is firmly embedded...
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