Aromatherapy - Welcome to The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy

Marjoram Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Origanum marjorana)Part of plant used – leaves  Marjoram oil is a relaxant and calmer to restless people. It is not to be used by people suffering from low blood pressure. It is very powerful and should only be used at night before...

Mandarin Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Citrus reticulata, blanco)Part of plant used – fruit peel Mandarin oil is gentle, smoothing and has strengthening properties. It aids concentration and feeling positive. The aroma is sweet and tangy and is a top to middle note. ...

Lime Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Cirus aurantifolia)Part of plant used – fruit Lime has strong citrus overtones with a characteristic reviving quality. Lime is similar to lemon in many ways and will improve the aroma of many blends. Emotional Applications  aids...

Lemon Grass Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Cymbopogon citratus)Part of plant used – herb Lemon Grass oil is a light top note with a strong tangy, sweet, citrusy aroma. Quite often used in vaporizers to create uplifting smells. This oil is usually accepted and liked by most people...

Lemon Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Citrus limonum)Part of plant used – fruit rind  Lemon oil is versatile and gives many blends a pleasant aroma. It is refreshing and uplifting and has a distinctive lemon smell. Lemon is a top note being fast to vaporize. ...

Lavender Essential Oil

Botanical Name – (Lavandula angustifolia)Part of plant used – flowers and leaves Lavender has many wonderful and health giving properties. It is a general healing oil which has an appealing elegant, floral aroma with woody undertones. This oil is a middle...
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